On normal circumstances, the body tends to eliminate internal aggravations by coughing.

The nervous system sends a message to your brain as soon as an irritant is detected on your throat or airway.

Your brain responds; triggering a burst of air by the contraction of your chest and abdomen. This is essentially why you cough.

Coughing is a normal symptom of respiratory infection but it may also be caused by diseases such as asthma. Some of the symptoms that usually occur with coughing are:

  1. Shortness of breath
  2. A decrease in exercise tolerance (easy fatigability)
  3. Wheezing or a whistling breathing
  4. Runny nose
  5. Sore throat
  6. Heartburn
  7. Weight loss
  8. Fever and chills
  9. Night sweats
  10. Difficulty swallowing or coughing when swallowing

There are different types of coughs among which are dry cough and wet cough.


This type of cough is caused by an infection of the nose and throat; for example, cold and influenza.

A person who has dry cough may find out that it usually worsens when they are in a warm room or after they might have gone to bed.

The early stages of an infection of the lower respiratory tract may also cause dry cough. Causes of dry cough include asthma, GERD, post-nasal drip, and viruses.



For dry coughs, the remedies depend on the cause.

  1. Babies and toddlers: typically, dry coughs usually don’t require treatments in babies and toddlers.

    Using a humidifier makes them become more comfortable. Taking your child outside in the cool night air can also help alleviate dry cough.

  2. Older children: for older children who are no longer considered to be babies, a humidifier will help keep their respiratory system wet.

    They can also apply cough drops to relieve sore throats. If the cough lingers for more than three weeks, you should take the child to your doctor for proper diagnosis.

  • Adults: in adults, chronic, long-lasting dry cough may have different causes. Tell your doctor about your symptoms; you may experience pain and heartburn.

    Antibiotics, antacids, asthma medications or other testings may be carried out.

    Discuss with your doctor and make him or her aware of all the medical supplements you have been taking.



A wet cough is caused by mucus and fluid secretions in the lower respiratory tract.

Infections and asthma are the common causes of wet cough. Wet cough takes off fluids from the lower respiratory tract.

Causes of wet cough may include Bronchitis, Acute bronchitis, pneumonia, COPD, cystic fibrosis, asthma, and whooping cough.


  1. Babies and toddlers: treat cough with a humidifier. You can use saline drops in their nasal passages and then proceed to clean the nose with a bulb syringe.
  2. Children: small clinical research found out that giving 1.5 teaspoons of honey to children half an hour before they go to sleep reduces coughing.

    Use a humidifier to moisten the air at night and also discuss with a doctor about OTC before using it to treat your child.

  • Adults: using OTC to treat acute wet coughs in adults or honey is advisable. If the cough persists longer than three weeks, other treatments may be required.



For mild and no so severe coughs, cough medicines and cough syrups can be administered to the patient.

Some of the best cold medicines and the cough syrups in Malaysia include Hurix’s 600 FluCough Syrup Improved, Hurix’s Sirap Ubat Batuk Gamat & Madu Plus and more.

Additionally, some of the natural remedies commonly used are Hurix’s Phlegm & Cough Herbs Capsule, Hurix’s Sirap Batuk Yan Wo Pi Pa Mi Plus and more.

For Hurix’s complete flu and cold series, visit: Hurix’s Cough Series








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