From the stage of infancy to the later stages of adulthood, the average person will experience many bouts with cold.

Almost everybody has caught a cold at a point in their lifetime. Some symptoms of cold may include a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, headaches, etc.

There is no cure for a cold. If a person who has a cold rests well, he or she should be fine between 7-10 days.

Normally, catching a cold doesn’t require you to visit a doctor but if you have a weakened immune system, then, you should visit a doctor to confirm if you haven’t contacted pneumonia or other respiratory diseases.



The flu has three types of viruses; influenza A, influenza B, and influenza C. Influenza A and B are worse than influenza C.

One of the major symptoms of flu is the feverish feeling it brings as well as causing the body temperature to rise above 102°F. Some of the symptoms of flu include fatigue, vomiting, and fever.

Both cold and flu are caused by viruses (although different viruses). They have very similar symptoms but the symptoms of flu are worse than the symptoms of a cold.

Serious complications such as pneumonia and bacterial infections rarely occur when a person catches a cold.

A person with flu may have a fever that could last for up to five days. Unlike flu, nasal congestion and runny nose are more common when caught with cold.

People who are caught with flu suffer from extreme fatigue which may linger for weeks — people caught with cold do not suffer from very extreme fatigue.

Another difference between cold and flu is vomiting; while it may not be present in the former, it is not uncommon in the later.

In as much as the differences above a generally true, it is not really possible to ascertain if one has a cold or flu without conducting the proper tests.



Although cold and flu may have similar symptoms, they are two different health conditions.

Symptoms of cold may include:

  1. Fever up to 38.9°C
  2. Runny or stuffy nose
  3. Green or yellow nasal discharge
  4. Sore throat
  5. Cough
  6. Sneezing
  7. Feeling tired
  8. Muscle aches
  9. Headache
  10. Watery eyes

For cold, the symptoms develop slowly and are usually mild.


Symptoms of Flu may include:

  1. Fever over 38.9°C
  2. Stuffy nose
  3. Nausea
  4. Chills and sweats
  5. Feeling tired
  6. Muscle aches, especially in back, legs, and arms
  7. Cough
  8. Headache
  9. Poor appetite

Symptoms of flu appear suddenly, unlike cold. The symptoms are worse and more intense.

The H1N1 flu which is also called swine flu is considered as one of the most serious flu. Swine flu is caused by a virus found in pigs and can infect humans.



Cold and flu can be prevented by engaging in some activities that would help you avoid the viruses that cause cold or flu. Here are a few things you can do to avoid them:

  1. Use soap to wash your hands frequently.
  2. Eat well and do enough exercise.
  3. Do not cough or sneeze on your hands.
  4. Get a flu vaccine.
  5. Clean surfaces where germs can be found.



Although cold and flu cannot be cured, and antibiotics do not have an effect on them, you can still take cold and flu medicines (cold and flu tablets or cold and flu syrups), such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen.

Some of the best cold and flu syrups in Malaysia include Hurix’s 600 FluCough Syrup Improved, Hurix’s Fever and Cold Syrup and more.

Additionally, some of the natural remedies commonly used are Hurix’s 600 Fluaway Capsule Improved, Hurix’s Gamat Plus Ointment, and more.

For Hurix’s complete flu and cold series, visit: https://www.hurixs.com.my/onlinestore/en/13-flu-cold-series






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